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Salt water sharks

Salt Water Sharks: Species and general info.

Sample Photo 1

Black tip reef shark

Sample Photo 2

Coral cat shark

Shy and reclusive; max. - 24-32 inches;

Diet - squid, chopped shrimp and scallops, frozen krill

Min 150 gallons; temp - 72-81F,

Nitrates - .20ppm, specific gravity - 1.020-1.025, pH - 8.2-8.5

Sample Photo 3

Spotted wobbegong

Max - 12 feet; min - 4,000-5,000 gallons

Temp - 72-81F, specific gravity - 1.020-1.025, pH - 8.2-8.5

0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, nitrates - .20ppm

Prefers sandy or rocky reef bottoms

Diet - fish, crayfish, crabs, squid, and octopus

Sample Photo 4

Port Jackson shark

Frequent night swimmers/peaceful; meaty diet

Max - 3-5 feet; min 1000 gallons

PKH -8-12, pH- 8.1-8.4, Specific gravity - 1.020-1.025

Temp. - 57-70F

Sample Photo 5

California horn shark 

Sample Photo 6

Bamboo sharks 

Sample Photo 7

White tip reef shark

Aggressive; max - 7-8 feet, min 4,000-5,000 gallons

Diet - squid, shrimp, frozen krill, scallops, and large fish

Temp - 72-81F, pH - 8.2-8.5, specific gravity, 1.020-1.025,

Nitrates - .20ppm, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites

Sample Photo 8

Epaulette shark

Bottom dwellers; prefers shallow waters, sand substrate and reef plants

max - 3.5 feet, aggressive

Diet - crabs, shrimp, small fish, and worms

Temp - 72-78, pH - 8.1-8.4, specific gravity - 1.020-1.025

Sample Photo 9

Leopard shark

Bottom feeders/worms,mollusks,crustaceans,octopus, & sm fish

max - 71 in, 65-75 lbs., longevity - 30+yrs

Temp - 60-70F; min tank of 400 gallons 

Sample Photo 10

Nurse shark

Bottom feeder/prefers sandy substrate and mod. shallow water

Diet - lobsters, crab, sea urchin, octopus, snails, clams, squid, & bivalves

Max - 8-14 feet; 300 lbs, 30+yrs; min 15,000 gallons

Temp - 70-84F, specific gravity - 1.018-1.024, pH-8.1-8.5

Sample Photo 11

Banjo shark 

Sample Photo 12

Smooth hound shark 

Sample Photo 13

Zebra shark
