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Here are just a few of the species listed below; many more not included in the list. Give our Facebook page (Christina's Reptile & Animal Sanctuary) a like to see more!
- Ball pythons (albino and normal)
- Sonoran whip snake
- Woma python
- False water cobras
- Spotted python
- Western hognose snakes
- African egg eating snakes
- Two species of water snakes
- Several species of rat snakes
- Several species of king snakes
- Albino and normal red tail boas
- 13 foot albino burmese python
- Corn snakes
- Yellow anaconda
- Two species of milk snakes
- Saharan sand boa
- 14 foot reticulated python
- Bull snakes
- Gopher snake
- Pine snakes
- And many more, including venomous snakes!
List of lizards:
- Mexican Beaded lizard
- Black and white Argentine Tegus
- Water monitor
- Savannah monitor
- Bearded dragons
- Green iguana
- Blue iguana
- Cuban rock iguana
- European legless lizard
- Leopard geckos
- Crimson day geckos
- Gargoyle gecko
Turtles & tortoises:
- Sulcata tortoises
- Red eared sliders
- 3 toed box turtles
- Malaysian box turtle
- Red foot tortoise
- Spiny Softshell turtle
- And more!
- Frogs, toads, and salamanders!
- American alligators
- Morelet's crocodile
- Smooth fronted caimans
- White doves
- Cockatiels
- Pigeons
- Pineapple green cheeck conure
- Parakeets
Other Critters:
- Tarantulas
- Scorpions
- Madagasscar hissing cockroaches
- Red belly pirhanas
- Red devil cichlid
- Raphael Catfish
- Red belly pacus (Large)
- Yellow hystrix stingray